Air BNB, Hotels and Charities
Did You Know…
An EV driver is more likely to stay in accommodation that offers an EV charging facility over one that doesn’t? Stand out and be the destination of choice?
Grants Available
The good news is that if you meet the OZEV criteria you may be eligible for the Workplace Charging Scheme Grant. The grant covers up to 40 sockets capped at £350 per socket and this can be on one site or across multiple sites totalling a discount of £14,000. The bad news is that this grant scheme ends March 2024 so claim your government funding before it disappears.
Special Offers
Add your EV chargers to our platform for free with no ongoing costs and create a revenue stream from them, track usage or simply cover your energy costs. Add your EV Charging points to the Tap Electric map and allow EV drivers to reserve a time slot to charge their vehicle.
Recommended Chargers
We would tailor our recommendation to suit your requirements and the site conditions and available capacity. Food for thought for Air BNBs the Easee One is the perfect solution when added to the our Tap Electric platform. Hotels consider the CTEK Chargestorm 2 or Hydra Genesis Twin. Charities could also consider either of those EV Chargers.